OECS Blue Economy Tourism Analytics
6th October 2020
Acorn has been awarded a prestigious contract with the World Bank to undertake a tourism analytics study on the blue economy in the Eastern Caribbean. The objective of the assignment is to undertake an assessment of opportunities, challenges, and policy gaps facing a transition to a blue economy through tourism in the OECS in the context of COVID-19. The project is also designed to develop the foundation for cross-region collaboration and create a regional action plan which will be implemented under the subsequent Unleashing the Blue Economy in the Eastern Caribbean (UBEEC) investment project.
Both Acorn's directors, Kevin Millington and Alison Burgh, are assigned to the study, working with our tourism segmentation expert Sally Gandon. The team also includes associates working on the international policy and infrastructure elements of the study. The study runs for a period of five months with presentations to stakeholders expected to take place in January 2021.