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Rural scene in the United Kingdom

Supporting the sector to create a collaborative and sustainable future for people, places and the planet

Bridge over the River Tyne in Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Providing dedicated expertise and strategic planning for regenerative tourism development globally

Riverfront in Copenhagen, Denmark

Helping tourism businesses innovate and stimulate the visitor economy

Remote hills and valleys in Lesotho, Africa

More than twenty years of sustainable tourism development for destinations worldwide

Welcome to Acorn Tourism Consulting

What We Do


  1. Market trader in Rwanda
    Our reputation in the field of tourism statistics and measuring the economic impact of tourism is unparalleled. We are experts in the development of systems of tourism statistics, compilation of tourism satellite accounts and natural capital accounting, as well as measuring the local economic impact of tourism. Our ATOM forecasting model and T-Stats tourism tracking system are two products we have developed and installed in destinations across the globe.
  2. Seven Sisters in East Sussex, UK
    We plan and develop tourism products and experiences that are financially and environmentally sustainable. Acorn’s in-depth understanding of niche visitor markets ensures we can help you differentiate yourself from your competitors by creating innovative market-led experiences. We can provide options appraisals, feasibility studies, business planning and capacity building to support your product development process.
  3. Kitesurfing in Aruba
    In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, it is essential to have a strong brand and a marketing campaign that clearly promotes your values and resonates with your target audience. Acorn builds destination brands and content marketing strategies. We deliver digital marketing campaigns, build national tourism websites and create inspiring content. Working with travel influencers we can do social media takeovers. We can also monitor your brand awareness and the effectiveness of your promotional campaigns.
  4. Boats on the Thames, Richmond upon Thames, London
    We can help you work out where you want to go and how to get there. Acorn uses a well-defined strategic planning process to establish how you can become a more competitive and sustainable destination or tourism business. Our approach is collaborative, engaging widely with your stakeholders, creating a joint vision and co-developing an Action Plan that can be implemented with the available financial resources and workforce.
  5. Sightseeing in Latvia
    We offer expert qualitative and quantitative tourism market research, including face-to-face and online surveys, focus groups, bulletin boards, and business and stakeholder consultations. We maintain and update vast databases of research that include niche market and destination profiles, inbound and outbound tourist flows, and industry trends. This allows us to commentate, predict and forecast with insight, intelligence and confidence.
  6. Camels in the desert, Namibia
    T-Stats is our online tourism tracking system for destinations. We understand that every destination is different, so T-Stats is tailor-made to allow you to track whatever is important, from accommodation occupancy, through to visits to attractions, footfall, attendance at events and even the weather. Bringing all this together into one easy-to-use database provides information for assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities, attracting investors, assisting funding applications or simply getting to know your destination better.
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Acorn Tourism Consulting has:


  1. Successfully completed
  2. Enjoyed working with
  3. Delivered projects in
  4. Served the sector for

Where We Work

Number of results: 328

, currently showing 281 to 300.

  1. Address

    Scotland, United Kingdom, VisitScotland




    Study to undertake market research into horse riding and horse racing in Scotland, and to develop a market profile for each that would include clear guidelines on developing, marketing and promoting each segment.

  2. Address

    Marshall Islands, South Pacific Tourism Organisation, European Union



    South Pacific Tourism Organisation, European Union,

    Following the implementation of a visitor survey undertaken by Acorn in the Marshall Islands, data was collected from secondary sources regarding the supply side of the tourism sector and a first experimental tourism satellite account was compiled.

  3. Address

    Jordan, UNWTO, EBRD




    This study was part of the joint project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): Covid-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Cooperation Package – Facilitating Tourism Recovery in…

  4. Address

    London, United Kingdom, Visit England



    Visit England,

    Study for the design and development of an online database to store a wide range of tourism statistics from Visit England’s surveys, as well as from other bodies, into a system that could be interrogated easily to generate useful reports for…

  5. Address

    Namibia, Namibia Tourism Board



    Namibia Tourism Board,

    Design and implementation of a domestic tourism survey in Namibia to assess the scope and economic impact of domestic travel. Included design of the survey, interviewer training, pilot testing, tracking a 3,000 household survey, analysis and…

  6. Address

    Worldwide, CBI, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency



    CBI, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency,

    A detailed report about the FIT (Fully Independent Traveller) market segment was required to support SME’s to prepare their tourism product for the European market.

  7. Address

    Worldwide, CBI, The Netherlands Enterprise Centre



    CBI, The Netherlands Enterprise Centre,

    A detailed study into Religious Tourism and the European market of believer and non-believer consumers was required to support SMEs to prepare suitable tourism products for the market.

  8. Address

    Manchester, Manchester Airports Group



    Manchester Airports Group,

    An extensive market research report was required by Manchester Airports Group on the tourism sector in Bulgaria with a focus on Sofia.

  9. Address

    Jordan, Jordan Inbound Tour Operator Association, USAID



    Jordan Inbound Tour Operator Association, USAID,

    Research for the Jordan Inbound Tour Operator Association to better understand its importance to the overall tourism sector, and its value to the Jordanian economy in terms of visitor numbers, expenditure, direct value added and employment. The…

  10. Address

    Kensington, United Kingdom, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea



    Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea,

    The aim of this study was to provide up-to-date information on the importance of the visitor economy and to ensure that future policy decisions incorporated a detailed understanding of the benefits and potential conflicts that large numbers of…

  11. Address

    Mombassa, Kenya, European Centre for Agro Tourism (ECEAT), Green Tour Kenya, European Union



    European Centre for Agro Tourism (ECEAT), Green Tour Kenya, European Union,

    Acorn led a peer review for a local consultant who delivered a Comparative Study on Sustainable Destination Branding and a training programme on Sustainability Branding and Communications for the Kenya Tourism Board.

  12. Address

    East Sussex, United Kingdom, Hastings Borough Council



    Hastings Borough Council,

    This project required the preparation of a Destination Management Strategy and plan for Living, Learning and Business Investment in the Hastings-Bexhill Urban Area, to complement the recently published 1066 Country Destination Management Strategy.

  13. Address

    Worldwide, CBI, The Netherlands Enterprise Agency



    CBI, The Netherlands Enterprise Agency,

    The study provided a detailed picture of the global cruise industry and offered a wide range of advice and tips including how to plan and market a cruise and selling shore excursions to passengers. Clear segmentation by cruise type and passenger…

  14. Address

    Worldwide, Mintel




    Specialist niche market report covering Golf Tourism: who plays and top generating markets, where they play, which operators lead the market and what the future holds for the sector.

  15. Address

    Ethiopia, Ethiopian Tourism Organization, World Bank



    Ethiopian Tourism Organization, World Bank,

    Study to provide assistance to Ethiopia by evaluating the cultural and historic tourism product, generating markets and competing destinations. The study enabled Ethiopia to clearly target priority markets to make the most of its limited marketing…

  16. Address

    Falkland Islands, The Falklander Limited



    The Falklander Limited,

    Development of a prospectus to encourage investment for a chain of luxury lodges in the Falkland Islands. This included research, design, production, printing and distribution of the final document.

  17. Address

    Switzerland, Ministry of Labour, UNWTO



    Ministry of Labour, UNWTO,

    This study was commissioned by the Swiss Ministry of Labour and the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to undertake an assessment of the Swiss tourism product, the key source markets, and competing destinations in Europe.

  18. Address

    St. Helena, St. Helena Tourism



    St. Helena Tourism,

    With the opening of the first ever air link to St. Helena, Acorn was commissioned to establish air and cruise visitor surveys in St Helena, train interviewers to collect the data, then transmit it to our offices for analysis and quarterly reporting.

  19. Address

    Eritrea, Ministry of Tourism, UNWTO, UNDP



    Ministry of Tourism, UNWTO, UNDP,

    As part of a Tourism Master Plan for Eritrea, Acorn developed a system of tourism statistics to enable the Ministry of Tourism to collect, process, analyse and disseminate tourism data and intelligence related to the sector.

  20. Address

    St. Helena, Enterprise St. Helena



    Enterprise St. Helena,

    Review of the marketing activities and action plans for the marketing and promotion of the Island of St. Helena. An assessment of their effectiveness was made through an online survey of UK long haul travellers and interviews with tour operators.

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Featured Projects


  1. Caribbean Regional Tourism Marketing Strategy
    This Regional Tourism Marketing Strategy was developed to provide a detailed and instructive way forward for marketing Grenada, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines as a region in the Caribbean.
    1. 1 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
  2. Feasibility Study for the Development of a Cultural Heritage Research and Visitor Centre on the Farasan Islands
    This feasibility study was commissioned to assess the development of a Farasan Archipelago Cultural Research and Heritage Centre (FARHC), which would serve local communities, particularly educational institutions, as well as national and international visitors.
    1. 1 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
  3. Tourism Satellite Account for Botswana: 2019
    This study was the fourth Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) compilation for Botswana, with previous compilations being undertaken for the years 2006, 2009 and 2016. The main data for the compilation of the TSA was derived from the Visitor Exit Survey undertaken annually by the Department of Tourism and a range of data compiled by Statistics Botswana including GDP calculations, employment data and other economic statistics.
    1. 1 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
  4. Relaxing on the beach in Sierra Leone
    Acorn Tourism, along with joint venture partners, The Journey Tourism Consulting and Management, were commissioned to provide Sierra Leone’s National Tourist Board with an international Marketing and Rebranding Strategy, funded by the Government of Sierra Leone and the World Bank. The marketing and branding strategy and action plan delivered a roadmap to build a positive narrative for the country, improve the destination’s position, and increase the value of the tourism sector. The Journey-Acorn team also initiated the digital marketing campaign and advised on the domestic marketing campaign.
    1. 1 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
  5. Place Brand and Destination Management Plan for Melton Mowbray
    Acorn, working with thinkingplace, developed the Melton Story, Destination Management Plan and Place Brand, based on a robust destination assessment and extensive stakeholder engagement, to provide Melton Mowbray with the direction for a strategic, innovative and joined up approach to Melton’s future development.
    1. 1 Jan 202431 Dec 2024
  6. Green Business Toolkit for Thanet
    An online toolkit for businesses to understand what simple steps they could take to start/continue their journey towards sustainability, learn more about the biodiversity crisis and the commitment to Net Zero, find inspiration from successful local examples, find out about interesting resources available to them (training, financial support, etc.) and discover options for global recognition of their efforts.
    1. 1 Jan 202431 Dec 2024

"Acorn Tourism has produced multiple tourism research projects for the CBI including tourism sector Value Chain Analysis and niche market studies for SMEs in developing countries.  They are a very solid research partner and always deliver to great satisfaction."

Arthur Scheinhardt
Programme Manager Marketing Intelligence, CBI, Netherlands Enterprise Agency
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2024: our year so far

2024: our year so far

Read time: 2 mins

This year, we have both worked in both new and familiar destinations. New destinations include Thailand, Tajikistan, and Sint Maarten. We have continued our work in Jordan and started a new project in The Gambia, a country we worked in a couple of years ago. Our sister company T-Stats has also had a very exciting year with a new project for the Southwest of England.

Generations BLog

A snapshot of the different generations in travel

Read time: 2 mins

Understanding different generations' travel preferences and traits is crucial when tailoring and selling your product or destination. Each generation has very different travel preferences and interests, and understanding these is essential to making good business decisions.

This blog highlights each generation's critical expectations when making travel decisions.

Empowering sustainable tourism

Leading from the top: how tourism boards can drive the sector towards a more sustainable future

Read time: 4 mins

Tourism boards, both national and regional can play a vital role in supporting their destinations sustainable development. Historically, the traditional role of a tourism board was to market the destination, helping to grow visitor numbers and spending as the main goal. However, with the growing interest and need for the tourism industry to increase its sustainability practices tourism boards must take a more strategic approach. This includes shifting from a streamlined focus on marketing and putting emphasis on research, analysis, development and planning for the destination’s future development.

ITB Berlin 2024: Sustainability, Aqaba and Awards

ITB Berlin 2024: Sustainability, Aqaba and Awards

Read time: 1 min

In early March, Director Alison Burgh travelled to ITB Berlin by train as part of Acorn Tourism’s ongoing CBI project work in Jordan. As always, it was a busy few days packed with meetings, awards and some extremely exciting milestones for Aqaba, Jordan.

Key trends in tourism for 2024 spearheaded by sustainability and regeneration

Key trends in tourism for 2024 spearheaded by sustainability and regeneration

Read time: 2 mins

Making the transition to a sustainable business is no longer just a trend. It is now an urgent and essential task to tackle the climate crisis and meet the commitment to reduce carbon emissions. Tourism is a major contributor to global climate change and the sector is forecast to grow over the coming years. To manage tourism growth responsibly, urgent steps are required.

Navigating a Circular Economy: challenges and opportunities for island based MSME accommodation providers

Navigating a Circular Economy: challenges and opportunities for island based MSME accommodation providers

Read time: 4 mins

The use of circular economy concepts for hospitality businesses has been on the rise in recent years and is a useful way to reduce the environmental impact of their operational practices. In 2022 Acorn Tourism worked with Buro Happold on a World Bank funded project ‘Circular and Resilient Tourism on Small Islands and in Coastal Destinations’. For this project we travelled to Cabo Verde, Sao Tome and Principe and The Gambia to engage with the private sector to better understand the current opportunities and constraints they face in developing a circular economy model.

Big and small data infographic

Making sense of big and small data for destinations

Read time: 5 mins

More and more we are hearing that big data has all the answers that destinations are looking for when trying to understand what visitors are doing, where they are going, how much they are spending and so on.  This sounds enticing and useful.  But is it?


Using Data to Avoid Overtourism: Creating Smarter Destinations

Read time: 2 mins

Pre-pandemic, the term overtourism was being increasingly used as popular destinations struggled to cope with demand.  It was seldom spoken about in 2021 when focus shifted to encouraging visitors out of their homes to travel freely again, and breathing life back into economies and businesses. 

Business and Marketing: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management

Business and Marketing: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management

Read time: 1 mins

Sustainable destination management can be challenging, and it may sometimes be difficult to know where to start. From reducing GHG emissions, becoming nature-positive, supporting local businesses, managing waste, water and energy efficiently, etc., destination managers have a lot of responsibilities. All the while marketing and positioning their destination to attract visitors and satisfy their expectations.

Acorn Tourism Climate Action Plan

Celebrating Milestones, Awards, Longstanding Relationships and Our Continued Support to Sustainable Tourism Development

Read time: 4 mins

The beginning of 2023 has been a busy one, not only are we celebrating our big 21st Birthday in February, but we have also been awarded with a Green Tourism Gold Award for our ongoing commitment towards sustainability, within our office and operations.  We have also just released or Green Climate Action Plan for 2023, a requirement as a signatory of the Glasgow Declaration. The Glasgow Declaration was launched at COP 26, with the commitment, alongside many other tourism stakeholders, to halve our emissions by 2030.

Social Wellbeing

Social Well-being: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management

Read time: 1 min

Sustainable destination management can be challenging, and it may sometimes be difficult to know where to start. From reducing GHG emissions, becoming nature-positive, supporting local businesses, managing waste, water and energy efficiently, etc., destination managers have a lot of responsibilities. All the while marketing and positioning their destination to attract visitors and satisfy their expectations.

Culture and Traditions: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management?

Culture and Traditions: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management?

Read time: 1 min

Sustainable destination management can be challenging, and it may sometimes be difficult to know where to start. From reducing GHG emissions, becoming nature-positive, supporting local businesses, managing waste, water and energy efficiently, etc., destination managers have a lot of responsibilities. All the while marketing and positioning their destination to attract visitors and satisfy their expectations.

Environment and Climate: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management?

Environment and Climate: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management?

Read time: 2 mins

Sustainable destination management can be challenging, and it may sometimes be difficult to know where to start. From reducing GHG emissions, becoming nature-positive, supporting local businesses, managing waste, water and energy efficiently, etc., destination managers have a lot of responsibilities. All the while marketing and positioning their destination to attract visitors and satisfy their expectations.

Nature and Conservation: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management?

Nature and Conservation: What are the next steps towards sustainable destination management?

Read time: 1 min

Sustainable destination management can be challenging, and it may sometimes be difficult to know where to start. From reducing GHG emissions, becoming nature-positive, supporting local businesses, managing waste, water and energy efficiently, etc., destination managers have a lot of responsibilities. All the while marketing and positioning their destination to attract visitors and satisfy their expectations.

Organisation and Planning: What are the next steps for sustainable destination development?

Organisation and Planning: What are the next steps for sustainable destination development?

Read time: 1 min

Sustainable destination management can be challenging, and it may sometimes be difficult to know where to start. From reducing GHG emissions, becoming nature-positive, supporting local businesses, managing waste, water and energy efficiently, etc., destination managers have a lot of responsibilities. All the while marketing and positioning their destination to attract visitors and satisfy their expectations.

Influencer Marketing - the fastest growing trend within the Tourism Industry

Influencer Marketing - the fastest growing trend within the Tourism Industry

Read time: 2 mins

The trend of Influencer marketing has taken off in the last decade and is currently one of the fastest growing activities within the digital marketing space. The movement has been on the rise due to the growth of social media and the influence of word-of-mouth marketing. For marketers “brands are no longer what companies tell consumers but rather what consumers tell each other”.

World Tourism Day, Re-Thinking Tourism

World Tourism Day, Re-Thinking Tourism

Read time: 2 mins

As we celebrate the UNWTO’s World Tourism Day with the theme ‘Re-Thinking Tourism’, one can’t help but look back at the highs and (many) lows that the Tourism Industry has experienced over the last three years. And, although the lows were very low, we must look to the future and be thankful in a way that tourism did slow for a small while, as it gave us the unique and needed opportunity and realisation that there was a dire need for the tourism industry to stop and ‘re-think’ its future development.



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3 Woodland Enterprise Centre, Hastings Road,
Flimwell, East Sussex, TN5 7PR, UK

+44 (0) 1580 879970