The LQBTQ+ travel market is on the rise due to the increasing acceptance of the community worldwide and increasing numbers of Gen Y and Gen Z identifying as LGBTQ+. While many countries still have restrictions and laws that make it difficult for the LGBTQ+ community to travel to, many others have grown in tolerance and acceptance, making travel safe and welcoming for this target group.

What are the biggest outbound markets in Europe?

Germany, UK, France, Spain, the Netherlands and Italy are the top six outbound markets, based on the number of LGBTQ+ populations in these countries. For example, Germany has the largest LGBTQ+ community, with 14% of its population from this niche market. This is likely due to their early legalisation of registered same-sex partnerships in 2001 and gay marriage and child adoption in 2017.

What does this market look out for?

This community looks for LGBTQ+-friendly businesses and destinations. They will likely research the destination, tour operators, and accommodation providers in-depth. This research will include laws and regulations and the safety and local acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community. Hotels and tour operators displaying a rainbow or IGLTA accreditation will likely be prioritised. They will also be attracted to inclusive businesses in their marketing efforts, showcasing LGBTQ+ families in their images, testimonials, and videos.

Due to the complexities of travelling as an LGBTQ+ traveller, this market is most likely to use specialised tour operators and OTAs when booking their holidays, and there are numerous specialist operators across Europe and America. There has also been a rise in general tour operators employing LGBTQ+ specialist employees and creating departments to focus on this growing market.

They rely on feedback and recommendations from other LGBTQ+ community members to help them select the most appropriate businesses. They will consider how the staff have been trained to deal with LGBTQ+ travellers and whether their privacy will be regarded alongside information about the destination's experience, safety, and security.

Like other niche markets, sustainability is increasingly important to the LGBTQ+ community. They seek responsible and transparent operators and look for businesses with certification or clear sustainability goals on their website and other marketing channels.

What are the key trends?

Emerging trends for the LGBTQ+ community include destination weddings, family travel, Pride and carnival event travel. Many countries are evolving their laws and attitudes towards same-sex marriage, transforming them into sought-after wedding destinations. South Africa, for instance, legalised same-sex marriage in 2006, positioning itself as a top choice for this community. Other popular destinations for LGBTQ+ destination weddings include Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia.

Pride and carnival events are high profile annual events around the world and attract huge numbers of LGBTQ+ globally. Many travellers from low-acceptance countries see these events as a chance to connect with other members and celebrate their community. Additionally, in the western world, the number of same-sex families is growing, increasing the travel spend of the niche market.

This blog provides a quick overview of this growing and valuable niche market. At Acorn Tourism we are niche market research specialists and can provide your business destination with more detailed and robust information to help you attract this market. Feel free to reach out to our Director, Alison Burgh at to find out more about our work and how we may be able to support you. 


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