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Projects undertaken for this Client
Gap Year Travel, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report that examines the market for Gap Year travel covering market influences, profile and segmentation, which tour operators support the market, and what the outlook for the industry looks like.
Fishing Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report on Fishing Tourism that summarised the differing types of fishing; who goes fishing and where they fish; profiled the leading fishing tour operators and provided an analysis of the sector’s future.
International Rail Packages, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report on International Rail Packages that profiles the leading rail package operators, their trains and journeys; how the product is marketed and sold; who the rail consumer is, and what the future holds for the sector.
Legacy of Mega Events in Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report that looks at Mega Events and their legacies with detailed case studies of recent, major events, what their impacts are and how the concept of a legacy was born with a specific focus on tourism.
The Evolution of Slow Travel, United KingdomNiche market report on the evolution, definition and history of Slow Travel, who travels and why, along with typical slow destinations and slow methods of transport.
The Rail Tourism Industry in Europe, United KingdomNiche market report covering European Rail Tourism that looks at the major European tourist trains and journeys that travel both in-country and internationally, explores rail pass options and the Railway Tourist, including the future for the sector.
Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report on Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism that looks at the history of religious tourism, size and characteristics of the market, the major destinations worldwide and profiles leading tour operators.
Astronomy and Natural Phenomenon Tourism, United KingdomNiche market report covering Astronomy and Natural Phenomenon tourism, that includes the market size, characteristics and analysis of the sector’s future, along with leading tour operator profiles.
Music Festival Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report that looks as Music Festival Tourism Worldwide, explores the current music festival scene, profiles a music festival tourist and the benefits of the festival sector, and what’s next for the industry.
Safari Holidays in Africa, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report that looks at the major Safari destinations in Africa, examines the specifics of different types of safari, activities twinned with safaris, who goes on safari and profiles of the leading tour operators in the market.
Cycling in Scandinavia, United KingdomNiche market report that covers Cycling Tourism in the Scandinavian countries. With individual country profiles, the report also looks at the European Cycle Network, profiles leading tour operators and discusses what’s next for the sector.
Volunteering in Sub-Saharan Africa, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report on Volunteering in sub-Saharan Africa, providing a market profile of volunteering tourism, the most common destinations and volunteering experiences, and summarises a range of tour operator profiles and business models.
Wilderness Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report on Wilderness Tourism that explores the wilderness tourism market, identifies the leading wilderness regions and profiles tourism activities commonly undertaken.
Cross Continental Tourism in sub-Saharan Africa, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report that examines Cross-Continental Tourism in sub-Saharan Africa, discussing the major destinations and typical routes, methods of transport, size of the market, trip characteristics and operators in the market.
Mountain Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report that profiles the world’s great Mountain Tourism destinations and myriad of activities, and discusses the motivations of the ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ adventuring mountain tourist.
Golf Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report covering Golf Tourism: who plays and top generating markets, where they play, which operators lead the market and what the future holds for the sector.
Adventure Tourism in Africa, United KingdomNiche market report that examines the state of adventure tourism around the world and in Africa, the emerging and main destinations for adventure tourism in Africa, profiles of the adventure tourist, and the future for adventure tourism in Africa to 2030.
Food Tourism, United KingdomA report on the dynamic and growing niche tourism market of gastronomy and culinary experiences that explores major food destinations worldwide, food tourism influences and activities, who are food tourists and how the travel industry packages such experiences.
Underwater Tourism, United KingdomA niche market report examining the range of activities associated with underwater tourism, the global value of the market, the major destinations, the benefits of tourism to coastal communities and long term impacts to habitats and marine life.
Save Tourism Niche Market Report, United KingdomA comprehensive market research study into the SAVE tourism market (Scientific, Academic, Volunteer, Educational) and how it is positioned within the broader global tourism industry.
Winter Sports Tourism in Europe, United KingdomA comprehensive market research study into the SAVE tourism market (Scientific, Academic, Volunteer, Educational) and how it is positioned within the broader global tourism industry.
Driving Holidays in Africa, United KingdomA report to identify the leading destinations in Africa for driving holidays, outlining the practicalities and to identify the driving tourist.
Wine Tourism, United KingdomSpecialist niche market report on wine tourism around the world that examines the state of the global wine market and how wine tourism has become a key component of the industry as wineries strive to diversify beyond production.