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Projects undertaken for this Client
Tourism Development and Planning in Libya, Libyan Arab JamahiriyaStudy to provide a series of interventions over two years to assist with the development of a system of tourism statistics and to assess the growth of tourism in the country under various development scenarios.
National Tourism Information System Review in Ghana, GhanaReview of Ghana's proposed tourism database that aimed to link regional tourism offices with the head office in Accra. Improvements to the proposed system were recommended, including a system of regional data collection.
Tourism Information System and Guidelines for Tourism Statistics in Eritrea, EritreaAs part of a Tourism Master Plan for Eritrea, Acorn developed a system of tourism statistics to enable the Ministry of Tourism to collect, process, analyse and disseminate tourism data and intelligence related to the sector.
Tourism Information System and Guidelines for Tourism Statistics in Palestine, PalestineStudy to establish a set of statistical guidelines for Palestine, develop an information system for planning and marketing purposes, and undertake formal and on-the-job training to staff in the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
Development of Tourism Statistics in Namibia, NamibiaThis project was commissioned to review the national tourism information system and system of tourism statistics, and make relevant recommendations and project proposals in order to strengthen the operational capacity of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.
Tourism Statistics in Syria, Syrian Arab RepublicReview of the system of tourism statistics in Syria, with recommendations for improvements to broaden the scope and timeliness of data collection and dissemination, and establish a computerised tourism statistics database.
Tourism Statistics in Yemen, YemenReview of the system of tourism statistics in Yemen, with recommendations for improvements to broaden the scope and timeliness of data collection and dissemination, and establish a computerised tourism statistics database.
Tourism 2020 Vision, SpainStudy to generate forecasts of arrivals in every country of the world to 2020, and to identify the tourism megatrends that were expected to shape the growth of tourism over this 22 year period. A tourism demand model was developed, dividing the world into the six UNWTO regions.
System of Tourism Statistics and Database for Botswana, BotswanaThis one-year project focused on strengthening the Research and Statistics Unit by setting up a system of tourism statistics and developing a comprehensive tourism statistics database to formalise the storage, processing and retrieval of data.
Tourism Marketing Strategy for Switzerland, SwitzerlandThis study was commissioned by the Swiss Ministry of Labour and the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to undertake an assessment of the Swiss tourism product, the key source markets, and competing destinations in Europe.
Tourism Statistics Seminars across Africa, ZimbabweThe United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) commissioned five three-day tourism statistics seminars across Africa over a period of 10 years. These were held in Harare, Zimbabwe; Tripoli, Libya; Bagamoyo, Tanzania; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and Gaborone, Botswana.
Data Collection and Analysis for Tourism Management, Marketing and Planning, SpainThe United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) commissioned the research and writing of a manual on Data Collection and Analysis for Tourism Management, Marketing and Planning. The manual explains the differences between the major data collection methodologies and provides skeleton tables…
Strengthening Tourism Statistics in Botswana, BotswanaStudy to further enhance the tourism statistical infrastructure in Botswana following the successful 1999-2000 Development of a System of Tourism Statistics project, and to compile a first experimental Tourism Satellite Account (TSA).
Developing a Tourism Management Information System in Vietnam, Viet NamDevelopment of a system of tourism statistics for Vietnam to enable the commencement of a range of data collection, including an air visitor survey, domestic tourism survey, accommodation occupancy survey, and tourism sector supply surveys.
Development of a System of Tourism Statistics for the Punjab, India, IndiaThe principal aim of this project was to assess the system of tourism statistics in Punjab, and make recommendations on how it should be improved. The project also looked into the potential development of a tourism statistics database.
Impact of Tourism in the Korça Region of Albania, AlbaniaDesign and implementation of a visitor survey and accommodation occupancy survey for the Korça region. This data was used to better understand tourism in the region as well as make an estimate of the economic significance of tourism.
Statistics Improvement and Tourism Satellite Account for Botswana, BotswanaThe project was aimed at assisting the Research and Statistics Unit in the Department of Tourism through intensive training and capacity building, in particular focussing on their tasks of processing and reporting on visitor arrivals, accommodation utilisation and visitor expenditure.
Oman Tourism Statistics Development and Capacity Building, OmanCapacity building project for the Ministry of Tourism to improve the system of tourism statistics. New surveys were implemented, including a cruise visitor survey, an attractions survey, and an assessment of the value of Oman's overseas tourism offices.
Measuring the Economic Impact of Tourism in the Seychelles, SeychellesAssessment of the system of tourism statistics, and design and development of an airport exit survey and cruise visitor survey, leading to the development of a tourism satellite account. The study included extensive training with staff in the statistics and tourism ministries.
Development of a Roadmap on the Future of Tourism plus Data Dashboard, JordanThis study was part of the joint project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO): Covid-19 Tourism Recovery Technical Assistance Cooperation Package – Facilitating Tourism Recovery in Aftermath of Covid-19. It encompassed two…
National Tourism Strategy and Tourism Development Master Plan for Botswana 2022-2032, BotswanaThe overall aim of this project was to make recommendations to improve research and statistics in Botswana over the 10-year period of the National Tourism Strategy and Tourism Development Master Plan, to make the country one of the leading nations in Africa monitoring their tourism sector and…