Following the successful establishment of a system of tourism statistics that Acorn set up in 2007, the Falkland Islands Tourist Board engaged us on a long-term contract to produce its Annual Tourism Statistics Reports, and a quarterly publication initially called Falklands Forecast, but now re-named Tourism Quarterly.
Both publications provide an in-depth analysis of the tourism sector in the Falklands. The Tourism Quarterly publications provide a more immediate response to changes in the industry by being compiled and published within a month of the end of each quarter during the year.
Our Approach
Both publications utilise the now well-established database of tourism statistics that Acorn manages for the Falkland Islands. The Tourism Quarterly publication includes the following monthly indicators: tourist arrivals, accommodation occupancy, domestic air tourist numbers, passenger and vehicle numbers carried on the ferry, yacht visits, website and social media key indicators, and currency exchange rates. These short-term indicators are supplemented in each publication with long-term annual trends and forecasts, including tourist arrivals and expenditure by purpose of visit, leisure tourist arrivals by country of residence and mode of transport, cruise passenger arrivals and expenditure, and domestic tourism trips and expenditure.
The Annual Tourism Statistics Report provides similar analysis, although tracks trends going back to 2000. It also includes more detailed analysis of the air and cruise visitor surveys.
Acorn has been compiling and publishing Annual Tourism Statistics Reports since 2010. Tourism Quarterly has been published every three months since the fourth quarter of 2009. These are all published on the Falkland Islands Tourist Board website at www.falklandislands.com/trade.
Public Transport Directions
“Acorn monitors the tourism sector on an annual basis tracking a wide range of tourism statistics. They compile this market research into quarterly statistics journals and an annual report. These provide invaluable data for planning, marketing and monitoring the tourism sector.”
Stephanie Middleton, Chief Executive, Falkland Islands Tourist Board
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