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Projects undertaken for this Client
Tourism Information Dissemination System in Latvia, LatviaStudy to assess the existing collection and organisation of tourism information in Latvia, and propose a national system to provide all the regional tourism information offices with up-to-date information on the sector.
Dissemination of Tourism Information in Hungary, HungaryStudy to establish the most effective and efficient delivery systems for distributing tourism information to existing and potential visitors to Hungary, tour operators and travel agents, travel writers and researchers, as well as within the Tourinform network.
Exchange Rate Impacts on European Tourism, BelgiumThis policy paper study for the European Union examined exchange rate changes between the euro and five other key currencies: the US dollar, Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, Russian rouble, and British pound, over a five year period and their impacts on inbound and outbound tourism.
Environmentally and Socially Responsible Tourism Capacity Development Programme for Vietnam, Viet NamProvided technical assistance to Vietnam for the development of market research to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector. This included a system of tourism statistics and the design of a national tourism database for tracking and informing on tourism development.
European Tourism Observatory, BelgiumFeasibility study of a large online tourism statistics and information database for the European Union. The aim of the database was to provide a central resource of tourism data that could be presented in an innovative way to assist all EU countries with strategic direction for their tourism…
Tourism Satellite Account for the Marshall Islands, Marshall IslandsFollowing the implementation of a visitor survey undertaken by Acorn in the Marshall Islands, data was collected from secondary sources regarding the supply side of the tourism sector and a first experimental tourism satellite account was compiled.
Development of a Tourism Market Intelligence System for Eastern Caribbean Countries, Saint LuciaResearch, design and implementation of a tourism market research system for the nine OECS member states in the Caribbean. The online tourism resource was aimed at helping the countries to compete more effectively within the American and European markets.
Tourism Satellite Account for Botswana: 2019, BotswanaThis study was the fourth Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) compilation for Botswana, with previous compilations being undertaken for the years 2006, 2009 and 2016. The main data for the compilation of the TSA was derived from the Visitor Exit Survey undertaken annually by the Department of Tourism…
Sustainability Branding, Marketing and Communications Training Manual for National Tourism Boards, NetherlandsA comprehensive manual was developed to support national tourism boards develop their sustainable branding strategy.
Kenya Tourism Board Sustainable Branding Competitor Analysis and Training, KenyaAcorn led a peer review for a local consultant who delivered a Comparative Study on Sustainable Destination Branding and a training programme on Sustainability Branding and Communications for the Kenya Tourism Board.
Sustainable Marketing and Communications Manual, Tools and Training for Tourism Authority of Thailand and Destination Managers of National Tourism Organisations, ThailandAlison led in-person training workshops which shared the process and key lessons from the national tourism board manual as a resource.