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Projects undertaken for this Client
System of Tourism Statistics and Database for Botswana, BotswanaThis one-year project focused on strengthening the Research and Statistics Unit by setting up a system of tourism statistics and developing a comprehensive tourism statistics database to formalise the storage, processing and retrieval of data.
Botswana T-Stats, BotswanaIn 2000, Acorn developed an offline tourism statistics database to assist with measuring and reporting on inbound and domestic tourism, and the activities of all businesses in the tourism sector, using Microsoft Access. In 2014 this system was updated using our online T-Stats database system.
Strengthening Tourism Statistics in Botswana, BotswanaStudy to further enhance the tourism statistical infrastructure in Botswana following the successful 1999-2000 Development of a System of Tourism Statistics project, and to compile a first experimental Tourism Satellite Account (TSA).
Statistics Improvement and Tourism Satellite Account for Botswana, BotswanaThe project was aimed at assisting the Research and Statistics Unit in the Department of Tourism through intensive training and capacity building, in particular focussing on their tasks of processing and reporting on visitor arrivals, accommodation utilisation and visitor expenditure.
Establishment of a Natural Capital Account for Tourism, BotswanaResearch into the data available and feasibility of developing a natural capital account (NCA) for Botswana under the World Bank WAVES Project. A methodology for developing the natural capital account was developed, which would provide Botswana with the first NCA for tourism in the world.
Nature-Based EcoTourism Policy Development for Botswana, BotswanaAn analysis of existing research and extensive consultations, advised tourism policy-makers in Botswana how nature-based tourism contributes to sustainable natural resource management, economic diversification and poverty alleviation.
Tourism Satellite Account for Botswana: 2019, BotswanaThis study was the fourth Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) compilation for Botswana, with previous compilations being undertaken for the years 2006, 2009 and 2016. The main data for the compilation of the TSA was derived from the Visitor Exit Survey undertaken annually by the Department of Tourism…