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Projects undertaken for this Client
Indirect Impact of Tourism in Jordan, JordanBased on input-output tables generated by the Jordanian Department of Statistics, and using the Leontief Inverse methodology, the indirect impact of tourism in Jordan was calculated.
Inbound and Outbound Visitor Survey for Jordan, JordanDesigned the questionnaire for a new comprehensive exit survey for international visitors to Jordan. The key role was to bring together the Ministry of Tourism, Central Statistics Office and Jordan Tourist Board to ensure cross-organisation agreement.
Tourism Satellite Account and International Visitor Survey for Jordan, JordanCompiled a tourism satellite account for 2016 to measure tourism's contribution to the economy of Jordan. Also analysed and developed an industry-friendly report showing the findings of the latest inbound visitor survey.
Responding to COVID-19: Impact on Tourism in Jordan, JordanDeveloped a model for projecting visitor arrivals and expenditure to Jordan, the Middle East and worldwide over the period to 2030. Scenarios for the development of the pandemic were then applied to identify impacts on visitor arrivals, expenditure, gross direct tourism value added, and employment.
Implementation of Inbound Visitor Survey and TSA for Tunisia, TunisiaStudy to develop an experimental Tourism Satellite Account for Tunisia with a base year of 2021, utilising the United Nations World Tourism Organization methodological framework. Also included the design and execution of an inbound visitor tourism survey to estimate inbound visitor expenditure.